BoBoiBoy Galaxy is an animated series produced. It is the sequel to original TV series and the film (2016). Unlike the original series, BoBoiBoy Galaxy will focus more on an adventure based storyline.BoBoiBoy Galaxy started airing its first season from 25 November 2016 to 11 July 2018 on. It started airing on in January 14, 2017 and on July 7, 2017.Season 1 #In SeriesTitleFirst Air DateFirst Air Date1'BoBoiBoy Returns'November 25, 2016 ( November 25, 2016)January 14, 2017Cici Ko and MotoBot have been trapped in space from the Power Sphere Hunter and the pirate minions started to head to Cici Ko's spaceship.
BoBoiBoy and Gopal took the opportunity to become a hero by defeating that Power Sphere Hunter.2'Power Sphere, MotoBot!' December 2, 2016 ( December 2, 2016)January 21, 2017Adu Du and Probe arrived on Earth and has captured MotoBot.
So Cau Sieu
The first puzzle game with BoBoiBoy and his family, his best friends is right here, on and in this jigsaw game you can meet a lot of BoBoiBoy's friends, so let's start this new puzzle game where you have to assemble these puzzle pieces to create a big image with BoBoiBoy and his friends. Ok, now let's take each of these puzzle piece and try to find the right place where you can put it, because in this way you can learn how to finish a puzzle game with high score. As you can see, our fighters are at the Tok Aba's and here you can meet BoBoiBoy Water, BoBoiBoy Fire, Gopal Kumar, Fang, BoBoiBot, Ying and Yaya Yah.
Game Boboiboy Cau Be Sieu Pham 4
Ok, now let's put these pieces in the correct place because just in this way we can see what pictures you can see ther, then at the same way you can find another game whith these characters that are here in this logic and ability game.